150 Wakefield St, Rochester NH
Alright all you pumpkin-spice lovers, here's a day to wear and care: September is Hunger Action Month, when the Feeding America nationwide network of food banks unite to urge businesses and individuals to take action in their communities. Orange is the official color of hunger and Hunger Action Month®.This year our neighbors need us more than ever. Let’s end hunger together.
Welcome To Share Fund
Serving our Greater Strafford County area Neighbors in Need
(including Barrington, Farmington, Milton, Rochester, and Somersworth)
SHARE Fund Programs are OPEN to the Public
ALL SERVICES: Mondays & Wednesdays 10am-3pm
ALSO: FOOD PANTRY Fridays 930am-1130am (9/6/24)
*THRIFT STORE 2nd & 4th Saturdays 9am-12pm
*(Please Note: SHARE Fund services are CLOSED on Federal Holidays and when Rochester Schools Close due to severe weather, Thrift Store is closed Summer Saturdays)
SHARE Fund could not help our Neighbors in Need without the support of our neighbors that give their time, talent, and resources! Local businesses, social clubs, and churches support us with food drives and financial donations-sharing so that others get a hand up, not just a hand out.
DAFs:Please keep in mind that SHARE Fund accepts gifts from donor-advised funds (DAFs), so if you have a DAF, please consider recommending to your financial advisor that they support SHARE Fund.
We Help with Basic Needs in Times of Emergency or Financial Crisis
The SHARE Fund is a registered 501c3 nonprofit charitable outreach agency which provides various types of material and financial support to families and individuals in need during emergencies or times of severe hardship.
Our primary goal is to provide the needed resources of Food, Shelter, and Clothing.
We are here for our neighbors in need to help during difficult times, provide innovative services to guide families on a path to self-sufficiency, and refer to other agencies and resources when eligible, all to maximize aid and be good stewards of our donors.